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Understand BERDO: Building Emissions Reduction & Disclosure Ordinance

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The Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) is reshaping Boston's property management landscape and setting a bold standard for urban sustainability. 

As a property manager or owner in the Boston area, understanding BERDO is crucial for compliance and leveraging its benefits to enhance your property's value and appeal.

What is BERDO?

The Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) represents a significant legislative effort by the City of Boston to curb urban greenhouse gas emissions. This ordinance compels owners of large buildings—precisely, non-residential buildings spanning at least 20,000 square feet and residential buildings with 15 or more units—to report their energy consumption annually. 

More than just reporting, these properties must meet ambitious emission reduction targets that are part of a phased plan, reflecting Boston’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The regulation is structured to progressively tighten these targets, pushing property managers and owners towards more sustainable practices.

BERDO underscores the crucial role buildings play in urban sustainability efforts. In city environments, buildings account for a substantial proportion of total carbon emissions, primarily using fossil fuels for heating, electricity, and other operational needs. 

By targeting this sector, BERDO aims to lower urban centers' overall carbon footprint significantly. The ordinance facilitates the city's transition to a greener future and serves as a blueprint for other cities aiming to implement similar environmental initiatives. This strategic focus on large buildings maximizes the ordinance's impact, as these structures typically represent the highest energy use and emissions concentration.

BERDO introduces challenges and opportunities for property owners and managers. Navigating the compliance requirements demands a thorough understanding of the property’s current energy use and the most effective measures for reducing emissions. 

However, beyond compliance, BERDO offers a chance to lead the adoption of sustainable practices. Properties that reduce their emissions can attract increasingly eco-conscious tenants, offering a competitive edge in a crowded real estate market. Additionally, these efforts align with broader market trends prioritizing sustainability, potentially increasing a property's value and operational efficiency.

Requirements of BERDO

BERDO mandates that every covered building report its energy usage annually using a designated online platform. This streamlined digital reporting process ensures ease and consistency in submitting data. The required information includes detailed records of electricity, gas, water usage, and other relevant energy inputs. 

The public accessibility of this data underlines the city's commitment to transparency and accountability. It allows stakeholders and the public to track the progress of individual buildings and the city’s overall environmental targets. This openness concerns compliance and motivates property owners to engage in healthier competition toward greater energy efficiency.

Emission Reduction Targets and Timelines

The cornerstone of BERDO is its emission reduction targets, which are meticulously designed to be both ambitious and realistic. They ensure they drive significant environmental change without overwhelming property owners. These targets are staggered over several vital milestones leading up to 2050, aligning with Boston's broader goals for carbon neutrality. 

For instance, a typical target might require a 15% reduction in emissions by 2025 from a 2019 baseline, with further reductions expected in subsequent years. These progressive targets compel property managers to continuously improve the energy efficiency of their buildings, integrate sustainable technologies, and rethink how energy is used within their premises.

Energy Audits and Assessments

To help meet these targets, BERDO requires regular energy audits. These audits are critical as they provide a detailed analysis of a building’s energy consumption patterns and identify critical areas for improvement. Conducted by certified professionals, they examine everything from HVAC systems and lighting to insulation and window efficiency. 

The insights from these audits enable property managers to prioritize the most impactful efficiency measures. Moreover, these audits often reveal quick wins that can lead to immediate savings and gradual investments in technology that pay off in the long term. The requirement not only aids in compliance but also bolsters a building's operational efficiency and sustainability profile, ultimately driving down costs and increasing its appeal to potential tenants and investors.

Steps to Achieve Compliance

The journey towards BERDO compliance begins with conducting an emissions inventory to establish a baseline from which future reductions can be measured. This initial step is critical as it involves a comprehensive collection and analysis of data related to all energy sources used within the building, including electricity, natural gas, water, and other fuels. 

The inventory should detail the quantity of each energy type consumed and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Establishing this baseline is essential for setting realistic and achievable targets for emission reductions and tracking progress against them.

Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures

With a clear understanding of current energy usage and emissions, property managers can begin implementing targeted energy efficiency measures. One effective solution is the integration of advanced technologies like Runwise’s smart heating controls. These systems optimize boiler operation by adjusting the burning rate based on real-time data from indoor and outdoor sensors as well as predictive algorithms, maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste. 

A comprehensive energy management platform can centralize control and enhance the ability to make informed decisions about energy use across the property. Upgrades include retrofitting buildings with energy-efficient lighting, enhancing insulation, and modernizing systems to newer, more efficient models. These measures contribute to meeting BERDO's stringent emission targets and lead to significant cost savings over time.

Continuous Monitoring and Reporting

Continuous monitoring and regular reporting of energy usage are imperative to sustain compliance and capitalize on investments in energy efficiency. Utilizing an integrated energy management platform allows for real-time tracking of energy consumption and operational performance across all systems and components of a building. This platform simplifies the compliance process by automating data collection and reporting and provides actionable insights that can drive further improvements in energy efficiency. 

Regular updates on energy usage and the effectiveness of implemented measures are crucial for adjusting strategies and ensuring ongoing compliance with BERDO. This continuous cycle of monitoring, reporting, and adjusting ultimately enables buildings to meet and potentially exceed the requirements set forth by the ordinance, leading to enhanced building value and operational excellence.

Tools and Resources for Compliance

Software and Technology Solutions

Leveraging software solutions like smart boiler controls that track and manage energy usage can simplify the compliance process. These tools offer detailed analytics and can pinpoint areas for improvement.

Consulting and Expert Advice

Engaging with consultants specializing in energy efficiency and BERDO compliance can provide you with tailored advice and strategies to meet and exceed the ordinance's requirements.

Government and Third-Party Resources

Utilize resources offered by the city of Boston and third-party organizations that provide support and information regarding BERDO compliance.

The importance of BERDO compliance cannot be overstated. By taking proactive steps today, you position your properties for future success and sustainability. Consider booking a demo with Runwise today to explore how to streamline your compliance process and ensure your building won’t be negatively affected by BERDO.